Thursday, December 10, 2009

In the beginning...

In the beginning, there was a Canon IXUS 70...which for the last few months allowed me to photograph various flowers, leaves, insects and more. I looked forward to my photo session every week and last week even did 2 sessions...

I said I was going to meditate on the idea of getting a real dSLR camera, well so much for that. I got my brand new dSLR yesterday after almost losing sleep over the idea! (health > money is my argument and I'm sticking with that!)

Anyhow, after a fiddling with my camera (Canon 500D with 18-200mm IS lens kit) for 10 minutes and without reading any part of the menu except how long to charge the battery, I was dying to take my new toy out for a test shoot. Since the battery only required 2 hours to charge, an after work photo session seemed like a great idea at the time.

What can I say...10 minutes is definitely not enough time to get to know a new camera, not to mention I was trying to jump from a compact camera to a dSLR. An hour and a half photographing and 150 shoots later, I came home to inspect my day's "harvest".

I guess the only word I could use is horrible in this case. only 1 photo out of 150 was somewhat in focus and the rest were all either too dark to see anything (there was no sun yesterday and the afternoon got dark quickly) or too blurry because of slow shutter speed combined with low light. Le sigh~~

Thankfully, a few home photos of cats turned out okay for a 1st try (after I got home and got better acquainted with the 500D). Shadow was hard to photograph as always with his non-stop moving and twitching. Echo on the other hand was much easier to work with. :)

I hope one day I will be able to capture the personality and beauty of both my cats in my photograph.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the new buy. heard you also got the super lense. can't wait to see it. i think you will love slr and will notice the huge difference in photo quality.
